Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Find a Friend - it's Diabetes Blog Week!

Normally, I'm really good at finding a friend. I was the little girl of 4 who met my neighbor girl friend through a knothole in her fence - "hi, i'm janet. what's your name?"  And something similar when I met Mr. Wonderful, who I thought was 10 years younger than me (only 3 as it turns out), and he had 2 saxophones with him (another story), and I wasn't even thinking date let alone boyfriend (Husband!? ab.so.lute.ly.not.)  But still I walked up to him by the mini-quiche platter with "Hi, I'm Janet. I live just up the street with my 3 year old daughter." I'm sure it sounded more perky than it looks in print. I was in a really good mood that evening for the first time in what felt like a decade.  Mr. someday going to be Mr. Wonderful looked scared. I think he thought I was a complete nut. I followed up with a question about where he lived, but  between loud live music and a glass of wine, I only got that he lived in Alameda. My new home. Quiet family town.
Who knew?

At work, in our community - anywhere I physically meet people, I usually make some dear friends.

I have a harder time making friends in the virtual world. I think because I read blogs on my own time which means not often real-time. I'm a busy working mom with type 1 diabetes who travels for work a fair amount.  And my first blog was about knitting and crafting and sewing and quilting...so there isn't a huge overlap in the circles (though maybe a lot more than I know.) Plus, since I only have 41 followers on that blog after a year and a half you can tell I'm slow at making real connections via my blog.  I'm old. I don't Twitter (not that old people don't, but I think I would if I were still in my 20s or 30s).  So the few D-bloggers I follow so far are probably already famous in the D-blog world, like Lee Ann of The Butter Compartment, Ninjabetic with the B.A.D. Blog, and (duh) Karen at BitterSweet. I didn;t start to really look around at other health related blogs until very recently, and I took on the HAWMC (Health Activist Writer's Monthly Challenge) in April through WegoHealth.com.

I hope that this will be a week that I can reach out and find a new friend or two!  Certainly I didn't expect to find such a rich D-community

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Awesome people speak up!