Monday, April 16, 2012

Diabetic humor for your blog, FB, and Pinterest viewing pleasure

I took a "buy" on post #15 yesterday. Too busy. Plus I have no idea what to say about my writing style. Do I have a writing style? meh.  Anyway I don't have any free days left during the challenge, so hopefully I can come up with posts for another 15 14 days.

Today the HAWMC prompt was about Pinterest - create a health-related board and pin three things to it.  I actually already created one when we did the "Stay Calm" posters. Here is my pinterest link:

In addition to my Keep Calm posters, I did a google on "diabetes cartoons" and added some humorous pins:


You'd think that a scientist would remember that "cartoon" means something altogether different for us most of the time...once a dork, always a dork.
(no, there's no joke hidden in here)



My favorite?

Have a great Week!

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Awesome people speak up!